Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Never boring

Well it's been an interesting few weeks here at the compound...and I must say that my life is and probably never will be, boring. I would like to attribute that to my awesomeness... but I am sure it has more to do with something cosmic, like Karma. I probably do something repeatedly that puts me in the bottom of the 'let's do something good for her' category.

Ok, that's not entirely true... good things happen, but my pig headedness will tell you that it's all because I MAKE them happen... no one else. Honestly. I'm awesome remember?

First, we had a bit of a set-back with E's health. It's all better NOW, but on Dec 23rd he had another seizure at work. He hit a conveyor belt, then the concrete, so his face took quite a beating. Other than his mouth looking like an 80 year old man who forgot to put back his dentures, he has come out looking good... so cross your fingers WCB comes through with the new grill, mmm'k?

Thankfully his medication has been muddled with and is now at a good dose so this 'shouldn't' happen again... but the down side is he has to take it for at least a year. E is a typical guy's guy. He does not like to be dependent on anything that is in any way health related, so this has been a bit of a struggle for him. Admitting he needs it isn't easy, so I am trying my best to be a little less authoritative when I ask him if he is taken it. You know, I don't grind it up in his food anymore. (I kid, I kid). I may not show it all the time, but I'm proud of him.

So the second entertaining thing to come our way is that we are moving. I say entertaining because really, it's been nothing short of a laugh-o-minute. (Please note sarcasm). It's been awhile since we have been in the rental market, so hunting around to find the perfect place isn't what I call a hobby-I-should-take-up. It's fucking exhausting...and well, unrewarding to say the least.

Funny enough, we selected the second place we viewed. It really is perfect for us, but before we submitted our application we wanted to rule out the others so we didn't 'miss out'. Well, we were definitely NOT missing out, and wasted a few days by making that decision I tell you.

Regardless, after about two weeks of back and forth with the property managers, we have finally been approved and we move in 3 weeks. Packing has commenced, but I did forget that you can't really pack much unit the week before because ... YOU FUCKING USE EVERYTHING! Not going to lie, I have had to re-open a few boxes and it pleases me none.

Secondly, down-sizing from 3000sq ft of house to 1000sq ft isn't something I would recommend. Even to someone I don't like very much. Short of giving away whole rooms to random strangers, I still haven't worked out what we are going to do with some of the stuff. Looks like craigslist is going to get a few postings from me shortly.

Shit, I guess I better do that quickly huh? Cause from what I hear, things don't always sell on there. Perhaps I should list them CHEAP?

Anyone want a Tony Little 'elliptical', an Ikea bed frame and mattress, an old treadmill, an entertainment unit, or a 27" TV? Call you friends... going quick!

And lastly... baby. He kicks the shit out of me frequently and doesn't let me sleep much... but other than that all is well. Ok, not WELL... I'm getting fatter by the chocolate, but whose fault is that except the chocolate companies??? GEESH.

Just as a special note: if you invite me over for a visit, lock away your goodies because I can't seem to keep my hands off them. I can smell 'em a mile away.


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