Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Overly Sensitive?

I know I am. And being pregnant makes it worse.

I keep going through these moments where I think my friends are all disappearing (Except you V, you are my rock!) since I announced I was pregnant. Almost like they have lost interest in me... and well, it hurts.

One of my closest friends especially. She has become so self-centered it actually scares me. I feel neglected, dismissed, unimportant, and completely shut out - and yet, to her... she has not changed at all. I sometimes don't even recognize her.

It has happened on a few occasions where she has said something so selfish, in such a completely innocent way, she is baffled when you call her out on it. Mind you, I don't necessarily call her out on them, more just ignore it... but then she gets hurt if ANYTHING is done in any way that she isn't the first person you think about.

Holy, its hard to explain this without using specific examples, but I don't want to be petty.

I hate confrontation, so I wont do it... because in this case, its a no-win for me anyways. She will feign hurt, accuse me of being callous, and pout for weeks on end that she is a victim. Since I see her every day, I have about zero interest in that. So confrontation wont happen. What I need is a dignified way to explain to her how she is making me feel so she will UNDERSTAND and not act like she is being attacked.

But truthfully, I don't really see that happening either.

You think I AM sensitive? She can do no wrong.

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