Wednesday, December 16, 2009

~Christmas Tea~

Our little "Tea" group met together last Saturday night at our good friend Marsha's house. Regardless of the fact that it was raining hard, as it had been for DAYS.
The evening was so wet and cold and dark...but inside of Marsha's was cherry, warm and cozy!

We all each prepared a "Sweet and a Savory" dish to bring.......
ALL of the "Savories" were fabulous!
We dined on "mini quiche," a feta and spinach pinwheel sand which, Marsha's "WORLD FAMOUS" cucumber sandwiches...which really are the best in the world....and I made "Double Cranberry Turkey Costinis."

Well actually Don my husband made them for me because I was working and he did a GREAT job of following my instructions for making them. They were so gooooood!! (Not bragging or anything... :~)

We had scones of course, before our desserts...two kinds in fact.
Marsha made these because she's so great at doing them. She makes them all the time. I in fact have her make them for me to keep in my freezer for whenever I want one!

And now the "Sweets."
My friend Diane's "Yule Log" was so beautiful and tasted wonderful! I made the little "Cheesecakes" that were poured into molded Belgium chocolate candy, shaped molds, dressing them off with a bit of "Holly and berries," fake of course. HA!

Tricia brought the little "Bourbon Pecan Pie pieces." Wait, now I am not sure...was it Bourbon or Rum? Hiccup!
HA!They were DELICIOUS! And we couldn't taste a hint of alcohol. Whatever it was in there.Diane and Marsha, "deep in conversation."Tricia had come a bit later because she was at "Christmas Play Practice" for her church."Christy"...Marsha's sweet "DIL," came as soon as she had gotten off work at her job too. Joyce, who isn't looking so grand after working 6 hours of retail all day, and Tricia.
Two dear and happy friends, Diane and Marsha. Me, and "Becky," one of two sweet kitties that Marsha has and loves to bits.

Our little "Tea party" lasted SIX hours...good grief!
I was sooo tied when I finally went home. HA! But what a great time and what great memories did I make with my dear friends.

I wanted to post these photos on here before I became much more crazed than I already am.
I will be working alot the next few days, including today...and we leave for NYC on Tuesday!

Hope to see you all again soon!
Be blessed,

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