Friday, March 30, 2012

What else can go wrong for Obama that works in his favor?

There are the soaring gas prices. But we haven't heard much from the media about gas hitting 6 bucks a gallon.  Instead we get to hear about racism and birth control and SSG Robert Bales. When we do hear something about the highest gas prices of all time in America, it usually goes something like this...

How High Gas Prices Could Help Obama

(wow, I certainly don't remember George W. Bush getting that kind of treatment when gas prices peaked during his presidency....considerably lower than today.)

Now, when faced with a crushing defeat of Barack Obama's cornerstone piece of legislation, the very thing that defines his entire presidency, in the Supreme Court, the liberal activists within the media just can't help but wish for the best. Take George Steponallofus for example...
Can President Obama Win By Losing at the Supreme Court?

or Frank Rich...
Why the Supreme Court Can Only Help Obama

or Mark Penn...
Could defeat for Obamacare mean victory for Obama?

Am I the only one that finds this nonsense utterly laughable? Looks like the Obama koolaid is a'flowin already in 2012! Get ready for the spinzone all the way to November.

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