Friday, February 25, 2011

Gads and gads of unwritten posts...

So a really awesome friend of mine told me today that I just haven't written nearly enough about her on this here blog (at least for HER EGO's liking) and it got me to thinking about all those half written, partly written, written in my head posts that I just never get around to either completing, or typing out to share with everyone. (Side note: She needs a nickname. What rhymes with awesome?)

My train of thought tends to go in about 90 different directions most times, zig zag around in swirly little curly Q's of randomness, only to pull right back to the same train of thought I was originally attempting to write in the first place, in the most thought provoking, eloquent way that I could...(not to mention with run-on sentences)...and **I** think I am unbelievably FUNNY AS HELL...

But let's be realllllly honest here, shall we?

It's not like I am world famous and random strangers are refreshing their browsers every 30 seconds with the hopes that I may have posted something new and exciting since the last time they refreshed. People don't log on to 'A Life Less Ordinary...' the minute they wake up thinking that their day just wouldn't be the same (OK, that might be a lie, I am pretty sure I'm what makes TMC's world go round, but I can't confirm 100%. It's just a theory).

But despite feeling slightly negative about all that, I have come to understand I have a responsibility (whether totally over blown in my head or not!) to ME to finish these posts, get my thoughts down on (figurative) paper, and share them; either to make you laugh with me (or at me), or to provide some kind of internal relief that writing so helps me achieve.

Granted, I can pretty much assume that most of my posts aren't really thought provoking other than for a "WTF is she talking about"... so mostly I just want to be funny because my writing does lack some form of intelligence on my best days. Well, and probably humor too. So really, it's probably a good thing I have about 2 1/2 followers huh? Oh look it's a pretty bird!


Back to randomness and run on sentences. My predictability is astounding even to me.

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