Saturday, May 1, 2010

The swirl of BS surrounding Arizona immigration law SB1070

These past few days have been a chore trying to both re acclimate myself to civilian life while also attempting to dive back into the treacherous world of politics and blogging! I thought the political atmosphere was hostile a month ago when I god, this nation seems to be on the brink of civil war now! At least that's my "unbiased" perception.

I've been trying to get up to speed on all the latest stories. The Goldman Sachs debauchery. Blah. The Gulf coast oil spill. I could care less. The passage of a controversial bill in Arizona that is causing thousands of illegals to take to the streets...hmm, now this could be juicy.

I'm sure this is all old news but I must rant regardless.

I am getting SICK and TIRED of listening to illegal immigrants bitch and moan about their "rights". As far as I'm concerned, they have no rights. They cheated the system. They came here illegally. I don't care if they are hard workers or not. As the numbers stand right now there are 22.7 million illegal immigrants living in America today costing LEGAL United States citizens 397 billion dollars annually in taxpayer money for social services such as health care and social security. Not to mention gobbling up jobs that unskilled citizens and young people just entering the workforce would do anything to have.

I'm sick and tired of "tolerant" liberals bending over backwards to accommodate the illegals every need (in exchange for their vote of course) while repeatedly chastising the right wing as insensitive bigots for not supporting the illegals' rights.

"It's racist," says Donna Sanchez, a 22-year-old U.S. citizen living in Chicago whose parents illegally crossed the Mexican border.

Let me tell you something Donna, and I'm sure the rest of us angry "prejudiced" conservatives will agree. If they were Canadians we would be just as irate. It's not about ethnicity you spineless dweebs. It's about millions of people breaking the law and the American taxpayer shouldering the burden of expense for their "stay". And of course our wonderful president, who is no greater in value than a heaping pile of moose dung in my opinion, sweet talks the illegals as if they are just as equal as legal American citizens, grooming them for their vote once he magically legalizes every last one. (How the Dems manage to pull that one off I have no idea.)

So in essence, this bill allows law enforcement officials in Arizona to inquire the citizenship status of anyone they deem suspicious or suspect to being an illegal immigrant. So, what's the big deal? I have to show my ID when I get pulled over anyway. I have to provide ID whenever I enter a military installation. Why is this so outrageous? Why are the bleeding heart teary eyed liberals bawling about racial discrimination and an infringement of civil rights?

Now we have tens of thousands of illegals, and even some legal hispanics and others, taking to the streets because they are mad the police can ask you to prove your citizenship status. Seriously, I think I'm about to have a brain hemorrhage.

From Los Angeles to Washington D.C., activists, families, students and even politicians marched, practiced civil disobedience and "came out" about their citizenship status in the name of rights for immigrants, including the estimated 12 million living illegally in the U.S.
Police said 50,000 rallied in Los Angeles where singer Gloria Estefan kicked off a massive downtown march. Estefan spoke in Spanish and English, proclaiming the United States is a nation of immigrants.

"We're good people," the Cuban-born singer said atop a flatbed truck. "We've given a lot to this country. This country has given a lot to us."
So now this is just an "immigrant" thing? You tell that to the old generation Italians, Germans, and Irish who came to this country LEGALLY for an opportunity, working their fingers to the bone, raising a family, and making something of themselves, never asking for a handout.

Don't fall for the leftist trap my friends. They will do all they can to paint you as an "immigrant" basher, when in reality we conservatives, most of us descended from immigrants, cherish the ideals the old immigrants embraced. Individualism. Hard work. Opportunity and American exceptionalism. Things far distant to the modern day American liberal who somehow believes they support immigrant rights.
The event resembled something between a family festival - food vendors strolled through with pushcarts - and a political demonstration with protesters chanting "Si se puede," Spanish for "Yes we can." A group of undocumented students stood on a stage at the Chicago park and "came out" regarding their immigration status.
Ok, time for the barf bag. "Si se puede?" Really? What's worse than hearing "Yes We Can"? Hearing it from a bunch of handout illegals in Spanish! Don't even get me started on the whole English/Spanish thing.

All I can say is this illegal immigrant "rights" crap has to stop. You came here illegally and now your violence is spilling over our border into states like Arizona where the crime rate has skyrocketed. This bill makes more than enough sense. So STFU.

Comprende amigo?

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