Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A look at multicultural America.

What do you think of when you hear the world multiculturalism?

It's a funny, and touchy subject because there are two schools of thought that both need balancing out.

I will tell you this. When I hear the word multiculturalism, or even diversity, I instantly feel negative emotion, but it has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with an assault on traditional American values by a progressive movement that has little or no regard for such things, things this great nation was founded upon.

If multiculturalism to you is the modern day America where people from all walks of life are free to come to America to work and prosper and live peacefully while doing all they can to assimilate into our culture, then by all means, I'm with you.

But if you subscribe to the belief that we must bend over backwards to accept the cultures and traditions of every foreign nationality in this country as a substitute for our very own, then you are inherently wrong.

Now, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with celebrating Cinco de Mayo, or attending an Oktoberfest or going out to eat at a China buffet. That is entirely different. But when you call up a customer assistance hotline and are asked to specify which language you speak, then we have a problem. When you visit Times Square and you are surrounded by people speaking foreign languages and wearing all sorts of foreign dress, then we have a problem. When students of "color" are given preferential treatment when it comes to college tuition, then we have a problem.

You see, the liberal progressives in this country have created an atmosphere of logic regarding this issue that is so horribly backwards and flawed that any sane person, immigrants included, has a duty to reject it.

They go out of their way to accommodate them, but in reality everything they do is a slap in the face to the immigrant. When I see affirmative action, I don't see the government helping out a misfortunate student. I see the government telling that student "because you are black, hispanic, korean, etc. you need extra help." Tell me I'm wrong.

The over the top attempts to accept all cultures in this country is shocking. Yesterday I received a US Census form telling me my "questionnaire" would arrive shortly. At the bottom were 6 different languages. 6! You buy any new product that includes an instruction manual and you will likely spend more time sifting through pages of foreign babble before finally getting to the part you can actually read.

We live in a 21st century America where politically correct multiculturalism and diversity have taken the reigns. The progressives are breeding a generation of "tolerant" kids, but behind the slick facade of such ideology is something far more dangerous. The most "tolerant" people in this country are in truth the most intolerant, destroying anyone who even dares speak out about someone of color, or an ethnicity, or cultural practice or anything they deem off limits. And in some cases, kill people. It is a societal taboo to even question a person of non European decent, lest you be branded a racist. That, my friends, is dangerous.

I just read last night that Nickelodeon is running a new live theater program for kids called Storytime Live! which puts an emphasis on multiculturalism.

Like their animated alter egos, several cast members are multiethnic and bilingual. The diversity add a rare, authentic ring to the pro-diversity revue that whisks tots through four mini-musicals.

You could make the argument this is just innocent fun for kids and a nice way to include everyone. But I think it is much more than that. These little events like this, and countless "diversity fairs" at schools around the nation are molding the minds of young children. And the colleges and universities? Oh, don't even get me started. I tell you again...nothing is wrong with acceptance of different cultures and ethnicities, on the premise that those people make an effort to become an American FIRST. That includes leaving your ties to your native country behind.

I believe an emphasis should be put on American things. English should be the only language spoken. Every immigrant should learn it and use it when in public. The Constitution should be mandatory reading for each and every student of all backgrounds. Emphasis should be placed on American history, specifically the founding of our nation. Immigrants should make a conscious effort to become American. It seems to me most immigrants here in America have the mindset they just simply live here. It's like you or I moving over to Saudi Arabia and taking our shorts, t-shirts, American flags, Lynard Skynard CDs, basketball hoop, backyard grill, and whatnot. You know, I can almost sympathize with the Muslims who are angry about Americanism invading their land and culture...almost. The bottom line is that there are things that made, and make, America what it is. I fear we will one day be so far from those things that America as we know it will be long gone.

If you think this post is "insensitive" and "intolerant" then I suggest you look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Why do I hate America?"

Being in the Army, I have had the privilege of serving alongside fellow soldiers of all ethnicities...whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, and even arabs. I have made some amazing friendships with all of them. They all love America and put America first. Skin color and past nationality is a non issue. I know I could ask any one of them to read this and they would not be offended. In fact, one of my closest friends, Kevin, who was born and raised in Korea, did read this and said he didn't agree more.

We are all Americans FIRST.

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