Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 2 In the 3 Day Weekend

I hear that the weather in New York is beautiful... not so for Portland where it alternates rain and sunshine and often the two at once. Saturday was my morning to get up with Max, though I woke up very early and ended up very cranky. It rained most of the day, however when there was a brief break in the morning I made a run for it to the newsstand and bought US Weekly and People and stopped at Umbria to get coffee for Jon and I.

We stayed in the house until about 1, then ventured out to Target to pick up a blanket, pillow and cups for Max to take to daycare. We ended up at Toys R Us, buying Max a Thomas train set and then came home. By then it was hot out and my Hildie paired with some spandex hue leggings, and purple Yves cardigan was way too much for the weather.

And being a lazy day Jon and I got PF Chang's for dinner - we were too hungry to decide what to do, the balcony door was open and the smell was shockingly intoxicating. We watched the rocker which was was too funny and I went to bed at 11:30.

Now its Sunday, same weather as yesterday and I am trying to figure out what to wear, what to do. The drive we wanted to take is 2 hours each way.... so most likely Max will go to OMSI (the Museum of Science & Industry) and then what?

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