Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Persona non grated cheese

Who am I?

Because really, I think I see myself completely differently than other people see me and that bugs the shit out of me.

Last night it was ASSUMED (by not one, but two individuals) with only one comment said about a situation, that it was I being a 'mouth piece'. In this instance I was explaining a story of sorts and it escalated into this heated 'discussion' about me being 'lippy' and to basically shut my mouth.

First, I didn't do anything. Secondly, it came from E (and that in itself irks me SO MUCH), and thirdly, a family member also made a comment about me being mouthy.

In fact, the situation wasn't even a big deal. At ball, things can get pretty heated between players... to the point that snide comments are made, voices are raised, and yet things always resolve themselves because we are all friends. Exactly the situation here, and really... not even a situation where ANYONE was being mouthy at all. I made a comment about things getting 'tense' in the dugout and I was told by E to stop being lippy (or a similar word, I can't recall exactly).


But this brings me to the point of this post.

Do people actually see me that way???? Because if so, that ticks me off! No, I am not perfect... I mouth off when something pisses me off... and sure, there are times it is completely uncalled for. But in my opinion, MOST of the time it is either warranted, or just plain frustration that people can relate to.

I'd like to refer to an earlier post from years ago. I am SICK of being the joke. I am sick of the teasing and ribbing at my expense because it gets a laugh from the group. Making fun of someone is NEVER a nice thing, friend or not... and there ARE times when I can laugh at myself because well, I CAN be somewhat of a ditz sometimes... but in all seriousness people...


I suppose a lot of this should be directed at E (and trust me, he got an earful)... but it all just comes back to MY insecurities.

I KNOW I am a good person... and I KNOW you all know that...

But just remember, sometimes... think about my feelings. (This too has a bit of deeper meaning). Stop seeing me as the one who can 'take it' or 'put up with it'... cause I can't be that person all the time...

Soooo cliche... but how 'bout we try to treat each other as we would like to be treated hmmm?

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