Monday, May 9, 2011

RIP Moose


My friend ‘Super Awesome’ has a silly little nickname. People call her Moose, and it’s funny as hell. Actually, I don’t think anyone has ever explained to me WHY they call her that, but I have made a mental note to ask.

A few months ago, while packing to move out of our shitty dwelling, my husband found this: 

It doesn’t get any better than this people. Best.Gift.EVER.

Day 1, and somehow the little guy lost a leg. Day 14 (or something close-to) he lost another, and of no fault of his I might add. Leg 2 might have been my fault, but I won’t confirm or deny this.

Then, the week of terror for our little Moose began. Not only was he subjected to copious amounts of drunken people (sadly he was lost on one such night), who had little to no regard for his well being, but Xena the Warrior Princess took her turn on him (There may have been some inappropriate sexually charged animal love involved) and thus, we must bid adieu to our Moose and provide a proper burial.

Xena the Warrior Princess is a dog by the way. And she violated our Moose.

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