Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Courtesy of The Stay-at-Home Feminist Mom

Below is a cut and paste of The Stay-at-Home Feminist Mom's blog post from today. I am sickened beyond belief and wanted to share this in hopes that it will be passed on. The internet can never be erased y'all:

Seriously? You HAVE to cheer for your rapist?
Sometimes, I think my head will explode. This was one of those times. Not only did an appeals court decide that a school has the right to kick a cheerleader off the squad if she refuses to cheer for her rapist, the court fined HER $45,000 for her “frivolous” suit. After she had been thusly gutted, the Supreme Court pissed on her entrails by declining to hear the case.

In a nutshell, the victim refused to cheer for her rapist, Rakheem Bolto, when Rakheem Bolton was shooting a free throw during a basketball game. Rakheem Bolton hadn’t been convicted yet, but the investigation was ongoing and Rakheem Bolton eventually plead guilty to a reduced “assault” charge. You know, because raping a pretty cheerleader isn’t really a “rape” if you are an athlete. As long as you keep winning for the school, you are guilty only of misdemeanors. If he had beaten her to death, they would have probably charged him with excessive tickling.

Oh, yeah — sorry about the excessive use of his full name, but I want future employers to be able to find this post one day. However, if Rakheem Bolton goes pro he’ll be able to rape whoever he wants without his bosses or “fans” giving a shit, so it won’t matter. But I don’t want Rakheem Bolton to escape this, so I’m going to stick his name, Rakheem Bolton, in here a lot. One can always hope for karmic justice down the line, no?

Anyway, the asshats who run this little pissant school, which is in (you guessed it) Texas, decided that she HAD to cheer for Rakheem Bolton or she couldn’t be on the squad. Apparently you just just don’t have enough school spirit if you let the little fact someone raped you stop you from cheering for him during a game. After all, a cheerleader must show pep!
By the way, the school is named Silsbee High School in case you want to write the principal a nice letter, expressing your support of his decision to penalize a rape victim for not wanting to celebrate Rakheem Bolton, just because he raped her.

The appeals court decided that since a cheerleader must function as a “mouthpiece” of the school, she had do do what they say … even if that meant cheering for her rapist, Rakheem Bolton. This was WAY more important than her rights as a victim of a violent crime!

The court is clearly comprised of asshats, but I think the biggest wankstains are the school officials/coaches who kicked her off the cheer squad. They could have shown a smidgeon of humanity, an ounce of compassion, a mote of human decency, or even a soupcon of sensitivity, and not have asked her to cheer for her rapist. They could have respected her, or at least been merciful in the face of her emotional trauma. They did not. By Granny, they just HAD to protect their precious athlete, Rakheem Bolton. Sure, he’s a rapist … but he’s also very sporty!

As far as I am concerned, the school officials might as well of held her down, or staked her out like a goat, for Rakheem Bolton to rape. They have certainly let him know they condone his actions and will “protect” him from ANY consequences for his choice to rape a girl.

Forget the amaretto for my milk. Someone fetch me the Feminist Hulk so she can go SMASH the shit out of the hernia-lickers running the school. Feminist Hulk can SMASH the rapist, Rakheem Bolton, while she’s at it.

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