Friday, February 11, 2011

Regarding the Egyptian people.

I read an excellent bit over at Hyphenated American about how a "revolution is only as good as its people."

Based on Zogby International's study,

  • 85% have an unfavorable attitude toward the U.S.
  • 87% have no confidence in the U.S.
  • 92% named the U.S. as one of two nations that are the greatest threat to them
  • 4% said if they had to live in another country they would choose the U.S.
  • 52% have an unfavorable opinion of the American people
  • 65% agreed with a statement that clergy must play a greater role in our political system
  • 86% say Iran has a right to pursue its nuclear program
  • 79% say it would be positive if Iran acquired nuclear arms
Now that Mubarak has stepped aside, who is going to fill the vacuum of power? It is very likely a strict, anti-American, anti-Israel regime that allies with Iran could take shape. 

While the slumbering sheep in the West gleefully watch in misguided support as the Egyptian people make their voices heard, no one seems to be contemplating the inevitable ripples that will occur across the world from such a power shift.

While most Americans express support for the Egyptian people, so does Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran.

What does that tell you?

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