Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The man who will beat Obama.

We are inching closer and closer to campaign season for the presidency and it's time the right wing unites and backs up a viable candidate who has a legitimate shot at defeating Obama and grinding his left wing wrecking ball to a halt. This post is both to persuade and inform. I made my choice a long time ago, and I feel it is the very best one.

How bad do you want it? What would you do to guarantee Barack Obama is denied another term and another four years to destroy as much as he possibly can? Whoever is nominated to challenge the tyrant, it will take sacrifice from all factions of the right wing. The Palinites, the Paulites, the Huckabee evangelicals, and Levin libertarians. The Tea Party and the GOP. All will have to come together behind whoever is put forth.

I'm going to come right out and say it without sugarcoating a thing. Sarah Palin cannot win. Not she will not win, she CANNOT win. It's time to put aside the religious fervor for Sarah and come back to reality. She's a conservative warrior no doubt, a great speaker, and a powerful woman. However, she is not only unfit for the presidency just as Obama was unfit for the presidency, her charisma will not extend beyond the ranks of her camp within the right. She will never capture the independent vote. You and I both know this.

In order to beat Obama, the GOP needs to put forth a candidate who is as attractive, energetic, intelligent, and mainstream just as Obama appeared to be in 2008. We need a candidate who will go toe to toe with him on any issue. Not a crusty, bumbling fool like John McCain or a walking, talking left wing Christmas present like Sarah Palin has made herself out to be. I want you to imagine Barack Obama and Sarah Palin in the presidential debates. He would carve her up like a Thanksgiving turkey.

Ron Paul? Forget it. His views are too radical for independents and most conservatives, and his clear inability to defend America from her enemies will most certainly cost him an avalanche of Republican votes. Mike Huckabee? Again, he will capture the evangelical, and likely most of the GOP base, but his religious almost theocratic stance will drive away the independent vote, handing Obama nearly every swing state. Mitt Romney? He has no chance. And why? He is far too liberal for a true conservative to vote for him. So we can end it right there.

That leaves only one candidate standing who, in my eyes, has the only realistic shot at dethroning the tyrant. That candidate is Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. This isn't my first post of Paul Ryan. I've admired him since his constant fearless stands taken against Obama during the toils of the healthcare debate in 2009 and 2010. Ryan proved himself the only person willing to challenge the left head on, not with raging emotion, but with objective fact, arguments backed up by reason, and on an entertaining note, scathing ridicule when it was due.

Here's why Paul Ryan has the best chance. He has a combination of a) Limited government/conservative ideology that will appeal not only to the right, but center as well, b) Exceptional speaking and debating skills that will make Obama look like a fool and c) Attractive outward appearance and persona, which is just what the Republicans need.

When is the last time the Republicans put forth a fresh, exciting, young candidate? Ronald Reagan. Not only does Paul Ryan strangely look like Reagan, he possesses a Reagan like charisma that has the potential to capture the vote not just of the right, but those sitting on the fence as well.

Give Paul Ryan a thought. He has the best chance. He is the Antidote.

Paul Ryan on Obamacare
Paul Ryan rebuts MSNBC host
Paul Ryan vs. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on Obamacare
Paul Ryan tells Obama he isn't listening to the people!
Paul Ryan vs. Democrat Carolyn Maloney
Paul Ryan on repeal
Paul Ryan vs. Democrat Richard Neal

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