Saturday, June 13, 2009

Really Sad

I should know better than to wax poetic about Mayle things that I want on my blog, but I am always hopeful that someone reads it and says, hey I have that item and is willing to buy/trade. Sometimes it works to my advantage, but recently talking about things I want has only led to heartache.

For example the pieces at SE. I love the Sakura. In theory its a great dress. A re-edition of it would be a wonderful piece to own. So I romanticize it, wax on about it on my blog, on Flickr, create excitement about this piece - make it more covetable, then in the end lose out on buying the only one in my size.

Then I sit around and feel sad. Why didn't I move quicker? It sucks that I am not working and the Sakura would have eaten up all the money I have (though I have many things I don't wear that I could have sold to buy it). I mean its a great dress, but would it even fit me? I used to own one 15 pounds ago in a 6 (back when I was a 4) and it barely fit me which is why I sold it (along with the fact that its very tight in the shoulders which causes the back seam to pull). And then eventually I guess I will come to peace with missing out on it eventually.

I think my lesson learned is that I cant really talk about the Mayle things I sold, that I want to replace on the blog because in the end they will probably go to someone else.

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