Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gee, It's Good To Be Back Home......

I took this photo at a "Rest stop" in Texas...isn't this just the cutest ideal? I don't know who thought this up but I think it's brilliant.

You know Dorothy was right.
"There IS "no place like home."
I'm glad to be back in Baton Rouge......nutty traffic and all. Here I mean. I think the traffic in Dallas is calmer than here actually. And they have up to 4-5 lanes on the Interstate in some places......something that we NEED to have here in this city.

Can I tell you this? I like Texas.
I really do, I always have.

It's very different than Louisiana.
I mean the MINUTE you cross the Texas border you can feel that something is different. I've always felt that
every time we've been there.

There really is something very "awe inspiring" about that State.

Texas is just so BIG and STRONG!!!

I mean look at the size of this thing. You can drive for hours and hours and never get across Texas!

I can't tell you actually what is is that is so awesome about this great State.....but what I DO know is that many of the things you think of when you say or hear the word "Texas" really are valid.

I was raised and lived in Iowa from 8 years old until I was in my late 20's.
Once we had moved from there to Louisiana, people would ask us "Where are you from?"
Ummm....I think the "Midwestern accents" gave us away at times.
Now we have a bit more "twang" in our speech.

Many times once we responded that we were from "Iowa"....the person asking would say something like....."Iowa, that's where all that corn is." Or they would say...."Did you all have pigs?"

Well, sadly my family didn't have corn or pigs......because we lived in a big city.

But isn't it funny how we associate certain "images" with a region??

Like "Oil wells" really do see them in Texas. You can see these "black gold" pumping machines all the way to Dallas along the Interstate. It isn't a rare site.

I bet you didn't know though, that you can see them over here in Louisiana too.
We also have big ones, little ones, and of course the big "Platform Rigs" out in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana.
I WISH I owned one. Don't you? Even a little one would be fine with me.

Yet, when you think of think oil....more so than you think of it being here in Louisiana.

And Texans love them some flags....
Flags flying in Texas at a "Truck Weigh Station."

Another thing I LOOOOOVE about Texas is that those people......"fly their State Flag" which is that infamous "Lone Star Flag".....everywhere.
And I DO mean everywhere.

Especially at their homes and of course you see them over many business's.
I love that.
I appreciate the Texan's zeal and their love for their State.

Plus, people REALLY do wear "Cowboy hats" there.
I saw people wearing them.
Which didn't freak me out because it's Texas. They should wear them right?

Besides...I've seen that "Cowboy hat wearing" situation in Nashville, and also here in some lower parts of South Louisiana too. So I think it's pretty neat.

Miss Priss and I had a great time together doing the "Mother/Daughter bonding thing" in Texas.

We had a great and producitve trip......
I will tell you more about that in our next visit.
Stay tuned!

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