Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Organization of American States (OAS) Is a Faithful Lapdog of Yankee Imperialism

OAS: "Give me a bone, Master, and tell me what to do"

Uncle Sam: "Bar Cuba from participating in the Summit of the Americas! Only capitalist countries can participate. You have always been very odedient, as long as I let you market cocaine and marihuana in the western hemisphere."

OAS: "We will do as you tell us, Uncle!"

By Associated Press, Thursday, March 8, 12:31 PM

HAVANA — Cuba is accusing Washington of pressuring [the OAS] to keep the island nation from attending next month’s Summit of the Americas.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez says it’s no surprise given past U.S. policy toward the communist-run island.

He calls it a “chronicle of an exclusion foretold.”


Barack Obama: "Hillary, give me my copy of Mein Kampf. I have to learn how to hate those commies better!"

JG: The hate boomerang came back and hit JFK. Will the same thing happen to Big Ears?

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