Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am Superwoman, hear me whimper (or sream in anger. Your pick)

Today happens to be one of those days where I feel like superwoman when she was super angry at her husband. Was she married? I don’t know, but if she WAS ever angry it’s a sure bet it was at her husband because those douche-canoe’s have a pretty world renowned reputation for pissing the superior sex off.

You see, I called us the superior sex. Cause it’s so fucking true that it just ASTOUNDS me that this isn’t a world renowned fact  that is talked about casually, in normal bathroom chatter, water cooler banter, or whatever because it’s THAT world renowned.

Clearly I am very passionate about the words “world renowned”. Clearly.

But I digress…

Today has been nothing short of MIRACULOUS I AM STILL ALIVE and it’s not even 2pm. Well, not quite 2pm when I started this blog post, we’ll see when I actually get around to posting it. But since I aforementioned my superwoman status, I am on a mission to get through this with lightening speed (or is it: in lightening speed? **shrug**).

Firstly, I was awake from 1:40am to 3:30am with an 11 month old baby who was put to bed BY HIS FATHER in the same clothes he wore the day before, no bottle, and not wrapped properly with his blanket (as per our usual nighttime ritual) because he fell asleep in the car on the way home from our older child’s softball game. So as not arouse him from his slumber and so Daddy could watch the rest of the Vancouver Canucks game in peace, he chose to carefully lay him in bed sans bedtime ritual and, I dunno if it’s a necessity or not, BUT FOOD.

Now, babies are unpredictable, and having to get up in the middle of the night to attend to their needs has been happening since the dawn of time, so thinking I am that one special person in the whole wide world who should never have to do that is kinda sounding a little selfish, so I’ll let that one slide. And also because I already pointed out whose fault it was and that felt good.

But there is more.

Daddy drops the baby off at my cousin’s house who is our daycare provider. She doesn’t have any young children of her own anymore, so those baby necessities haven’t been around her since oh, about 3 houses ago I would say. So dropping our son off without a car seat seems slightly idiotic to me. Especially since he leaves the car seat every other day. Not quite sure what made today drive-your-son-without-a-car-seat-day, but that’s a holiday I refuse to support, and thankfully my cousin and I agree on that one.

Well… this is where my day just gets funner and funner. My first half of my lunch hour was spent rushing home to get baby supplies and dropping them off, with my second half about to commence very shortly where I have to head over to my cousins house and play with my son (this is actual my favorite part, I cant complain about hanging out with the coolest 11 month old on the planet when I should be working!) while she rushes off to pick up the other kids from school.

And during all the bbm’ing and texting and phone calls to organize this mess (cause you can bet your sweet bippy douche-canoe wasn’t answering his phone to assist in fixing any of his boo boo’s), I managed to write a blog post AND purchase two 3 in 1 car seats off Craigslist.  I won’t include work in any of this because I can’t lie, I definitely don’t feel like I have accomplished much in that department today, but tomorrow is another beautiful day that has 24 usable hours that I may need to take advantage of.

This, THIS, is why I feel like an angry superwoman today. 

I also like to bold and Italic when I am angry. DON'T JUDGE

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