Monday, April 19, 2010


I have two countdowns going on in my head right now... the 9 more working days (minus today) and the 24 days (including today) before my due date comes and goes...

...cause we all know I am not blessed and this baby is going to incubate for as long as my Dr will let him of course.

I am huge. I am miserable. I am tired 100.5% of the time. I am hungry all the time. Pregnancy doesn't agree with me. But don't mistake all this grumbling as anything but just that! My excitement for this little boy is immeasurable!!!!

We finished the babies room this weekend and I swear I got all misty-eyed. Taking out clothes and folding them up and pulling them up to your nose to sniff in the already-there baby smell (how does that happen?!?! They've never been worn! How can baby clothes already have that must-have-bottled baby smell us nesting mothers can't live without?!?) and placing them in an organized order in the dresser, all by size. Folding each and every softy blanket right after you've rubbed your face with it, exclaiming there isn't, couldn't be, another blanket softer than that one until you fold the next. And stacking up diapers, by size, in preparation for a small little bundle whom no one knows if he'll fit into a newborn or size 1 diaper so you over-buy both sizes.

NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING is sweeter than all that.

I am not going to lie... E and I sat in that babies room on the futon nursing couch (I will admit, I probably wont nurse even once on that thing... frickin thing is uncomfortable) for almost an hour just talking, discussing all the little things we had done, still wanted to do, and couldn't wait to happen. We turned on the soft little lamp that we decided would be way better lighting than the overhead and just hung out there in the pale light...some of the time not even talking at all.

It's strange how life changes isn't it?

I love.

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