Tuesday, May 19, 2009

what a weekend!

It was a slice. I came back sunburned a bit, but alive.

After 7 games of ball (4 in a row in one day!) I am surprisingly not sore or injured! (shocking I know). More ball tonight, and even more this weekend and I can happily say I am thrilled and not dreading it.

so onto the drama.

First, the two kids bickered like a married couple. Stressful enough being two single moms camping alone... but then to have two twats fighting over everything.... GEEZUS! I handled myself pretty well (I think) but my co-conspirator struggled...

a lot.

Let's just say the tension was pretty thick in our campsite and most people within ...errrr... yelling distance was very familiar with her voice :-).

Funniest part about the weekend? The campsite getting completely destroyed by a by-law office and a policewoman because they thought we were squatters... ALL WHILE I WASN'T EVEN THERE. Read: I can laugh because I didn't have to clean it up.

I am such a bitch.

in truth, it was a pretty shitty situation for my friend to have to deal with, I was just thankful I didn't have to! Her dog bit the by-law officer too.

I must say, call me a princess if you will, but I can't think of anything I enjoy LESS than being dirty and smelly for four days (well, that's a lie, I did have a pleasant shower in between two naked fat ladies at the public pool. Joy.) in a campsite with other people who don't give a shit if the campsite is tidy or not. I may be home, but even with a washing I still smell campfire on EVERYTHING!

I had to break a poor boys heart too. Nicknamed 'puppy' by his friends and team mates (to his face!) because of the adoring looks he sent my way, he didn't make ANY effort to hide is...errrr... lust. After a LONG *sober* chat by the campfire I think he finally realizes that I am not the love of his life... well at least that I don't think HE is the love of MY life anyways.

Always fun to do that.*please note sarcasm*

And to end this glorious post about my looooooooooong weekend of joyous camping, I would just like to send a shout out to the local news stations who report on the weather. Thank you for fucking up my packing by providing me with incorrect weather predictions. I travelled with an abundance of warm clothing. Not only did I have to wear the same fucking shirt for every ball game because I only brought one that WASN'T a sweatshirt (read: I STANK!) but I also looked like a complete idiot wearing my board shorts (brought as a bathing suit) to play ball in. You weren't even remotely close.


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