Saturday, March 14, 2009

Next Trip.......

Today is a "quiet day" in our little's only me and "Danny O'Shea" our black lab, here taking refuge from the rain.
Everyone else had big plans for the day.
It's gloomy out so Danny and I are very content to be warm and dry inside of our home.
I'm using the "peacefulness" as an orputunity to nurture my writing and as a chance to "dream."
I've got my next visit to Ireland planned in my head and my heart. It's the "whens, and hows" that I deal with for now.
But one can plan can't they?
I would really like to view the western shores of Ireland.....specifically. County Galway.
People have told me that have both lived there and visited there that "Galway is the most beautiful country in all of Ireland."
Which has been very hard for me to believe because where I had been in the North and the South of Ireland seemed pretty magnificent.

Those thoughts of beauty tempt me to learn more about this area "first hand."
So one day......hopefully we will take this route around the country, and visit that georgeous "Galway" area and other towns and places on that western side.

I really want to see it more than say.....Dublin or other such places that Ireland is famous for.

I hope to do this route.
Remember the whole of Ireland is only about the size of our state of Indiana......

For now though....I've got "bigger fish to fry" as they say in my part of the world.

Miss Priss is going to AFRICA in May!!!.....just 9 days after her High School graduation.

She will be there for nearly 2 weeks doing humanitarian aid work and such.

Right now, we are rushing to get her passport and start shots and all the other great things you must do so far in advance of a huge trip like this and we are sort of behind. She just signed on for this LAST WEEKEND! Yikes.

I'll fill you all in more on this in the future.......we are very excited about this opportunity.
And overwhelmed at the same time. HA!

That "Miss Priss" is becoming a "World Traveler" now it seems.
I don't know "where" she gets that.

Maybe she will take that trip to Ireland with me???

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