Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunshine, finally....thank you very much.

We have some "sunshine" and "low humidity" going on right now which is awesome! Because will be sweltering here. In already has been and our temps were in the low 90's before that crazy cold front came over last week and brought storms.

The flowers are doing good though...notice though how the birds that live in our patio awning are stripping out the moss from my "hanging moss basket" and building their nests with it. Ughhhh!!
Don't notice however, that we have to powerwash our very soon. It's "mold" my friends...welcome to Lousiana. Gross I know.
We are used to it.
I just put my "fake" flowers in the French Flower Cart for summer.....I don't really like fake ones. Although I think they do look pretty good in that thing if I might say so....nothing else will live under the carport area because it's soooo shady.
My new "rose tree" that my husband bought me for Mother's Day and I LOVE was blooming so wonderfully before the wretched storms came blowing through. I had to cut the blooms all off today because they were so messed up.
These things are blooming great in this old "crock" I inherited of my Great Aunt Hazel's when she passed away several years ago in Missouri. I loved the crock but didn't know WHAT in the world to do with I had my husband drill some holes in the bottom of it and have been planting flowers in it ever since then.
My dear husband mowing his brains out. Usually our younger son does this but the grass was WILD because of the bad weather so Don had to come to the rescue since Luke's been working so much this weekend.

I was telling my Aunt Pat the other day in Missouri that we mow every week here. She couldn't believe it. In the summer time....we usually mow twice a week. We mow all winter here in Louisiana. Unless it's very cold....fat chance. HA!
We may only mow once a month in the winter..which is like...maybe December/January....but it gets straggly and nasty if you don't keep it up.
Miss Priss studying...last night. Her Italian "tutor" and homework helper...was exhausted after working 9 hours at his job yesterday.

Miss Priss is CRAMMING big time because she is having final exams tomorrow. And we have Graduation tomorrow night and she can't check out of school early because the important test is 7th hour. Igh. I don't know how we are going to time this all but it will work out. I'm SO glad school is out this week for her. She is wearing me out.

My crazy life.
It's all good though....and I thank God for it.
I've never liked being bored.

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