Saturday, March 29, 2008

How SWEET is this....?

"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
Proverbs 16:24 NIV

When I was looking for this verse I wanted to find the various "translations" of it..because most translations use the word "Kind" also for the word "Pleasant" so I just wanted to see any other forms of the wording.

But for some odd reason, when I found the NIV (New International Version) that I wanted to use, it said....."U.K." after it. Hummmmm.....Interesting.

Then I wanted to read it in another form and the translator was "stuck."
So we are sticking with the "U.K." version of the NIV....which my TINY mind and way of thinking....."Right, that you MUST read that verse and hear it in a BRITISH ACCENT!"
Yes, I've gone mad.

This morning I found that "Kate" at "Our Red House" who is WAAAAAAAAY over on the other of the world in Melbourne, gave me this cool award today.

It's the ever famous and fabulous......."You CHEER me up award." I love that.
I desire to "cheer people up" that's what I do. So it's fitting actually.
I must admit.....I've never posted awards when people have given them to me......because I don't want to become vain or"Hey look at all my blog awards and how wonderful I am" not that anyone does that. I just am funny that way......I'd rather just stay "behind the scenes."

However.....I couldn't RESIST posting it today when I saw that it was "LUCY and ETHEL" in that hilarious scene in the candy factory when they keep eating them and shoving them in their hats and their clothes because the production speed up and they can't keep up with it.

I am so Lucy at times.....and so Ethel at times I will put it up on here today AND....pass it onto a few more well deserving people along the way.

Thanks for the "Kind" and "Pleasant" words today Kate....oh by the way I said that with an AMERICAN accent...just incase you wondered. And it's sort of "Southern...." but not really bad because I'm originally from the North. This gets very confusing doesn't it?

All ya'll......check out Kate's site....she has the COOLEST garden...and every "Pumpkin recipe" on the planet by now.... I was getting very stressed out at some point about all those pumpkins she had and what in the WORLD she was going to do with them all. HA!

Sadly....Australia's been in a drought, and the heat has been very extreme. Can anyone tell me do they have air conditioning there?? I've wondered, I don't think they do though.

I have been very burdened for them over there and spoke to my husband about this one night as well because we have dear friends near there on another island that is suffereing too. We prayed for them all to receive rain and......have to tell you....

Kate says...."it's raining."

Now...I don't think it was because of our prayers...I think it was because of the prayers of many.

I'm sending this fun award onto.....

~~~My new friend Susie who is so SWEET....and who has "Kind and Pleasant words" tucked into her blog.

~~~My "Cousin Sara" in Missouri at "Under The Seas".....who makes me laugh when I read her blog.

~~~My sweet blog friend "Valentine Hearts" in the U.K....who can actually say that verse correctly...accent and all. She has been very sweet and she showed photos of a "dreary and rainy Garden" last hopefully this "award" will bring her some sunshine over there!

~~~And lastly but not leastly...(is that a word?)to my good friend "Iwona" who is originally from Poland (and is very smart and witty and knows alot of cool things I might add) who now lives in Kansas City with her CRAZY "American Husband" and three children that we love dearly.....who all make me laugh too.

Iwona wrote a crazy posting about ME the other day and talked about "Tea FREAKS" ha!!! Iwka I am sure you won't know what to do with this award either...because I hardly do either, so don't sweat it. I will help you my make me smile.

You FOUR award winners need to give some blog love out to others that you know as well. I would give more awards out but I am in a "time crunch" and have to get off this computer and get somewhere.

I DO challenge everyone who reads this go out and spread
"Kind and Pleasant words" whatever language and accent you might speak.

IF you know someone who needs this award......take it and give it away.
Have a GREAT weekend....where ever in the world you are.

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